İdil Sanat ve Dil Dergisi
Cilt 6, Sayı 36  Güz I 2017  (ISSN: 2146-9903, E-ISSN: 2147-3056)

NO Makale Adı

Cities have been developing with the finance and service industry as a result of a change and replacement in production today. Living spaces have been created for people who work in these sectors in cities. Global scale activities have been taking place. Hotels, residences, shopping malls, high-rise office buildings, and transportation structures are being built. In this process, urban features change and they acquire a new image and identity. The effects of the process called as “globalization” are seen in transformation project cases. These projects have promises such as qualifying the buildings in areas identified as blighted area, improving people’s living conditions, advancing the physical and social fabric, and raising the life quality. They can be seen as a single building, a neighborhood, and a city on different scales and radius. These applications cause an amount of debate and criticism as they change the living environments and lead to a number of radical changes in life styles. This process is beyond the area of architecture and urban development. Ideas are reflected in the media as well as the academia and politics. The process and applications are evaluated with the help of every day communication tools such as newspapers, magazines, and the internet, and contribution of people from different geographies. Caricatures are also tools to elaborate on this process. As they have humor in their foundations, caricatures point out to their own discourse without disturbing individuals. The text consists of three parts: the first part conveys the aims, applications, and actors of urban transformation, the second part examines the subjects criticized by those who oppose the applications of urban transformation, and the third part focuses on the approach to the concept of urban transformation.

Keywords: Urban Transformation, Discourse, Caricature, Humor