Arshile Gorky's influence on world art extends from the second quarter of the 20th century to the present day. Gorky's contribution to the abstract expressionism movement that emerged in the USA (Tachism [Lyrical Abstraction] in Europe in the same period) is great. Gorky deeply influenced artists such as Jackson Pollock, Bernett Newman and Sam Francis with his works and played a role in the formation of their styles. Although Clement Greenberg called Arshile Gorky a “late cubist”, when the artist's recent works are considered, it can be said that he is one of the pioneers of the abstract expressionists. Gorky's tragic life story directly affected his art. In this article, two important works focusing on Arshile Gorky's life are discussed. His works titled “The Artist and His Mother” and “Agony” serve as touchstones in Gorky's artistic journey. In both works, depictions of major breaks in the artist's life can be seen. In “The Artist and His Mother”, the tragic story of Gorky and his mother is told based on a photograph taken together. This work can be considered a pioneer within the framework of figurative art, especially in its period. It can be said that the masterful abstraction in Gorky's work titled “Agony”, which is about the fire in his workshop where many of his works were destroyed, opened the door for the skillful artists who came after him. Arshile Gorky's artistic adventure can be evaluated in three periods: (1) The first period, in which he created portraits in the neoclassical style, (2) The second period in which he focused on the search for truth, in which his works “Column with Objects” were created, and (3) The “Agony” period. The third period of mastery in which he took part. As a result of the research carried out especially on the works of Gorky's first and third periods, this study aims to conduct an in-depth conceptual and formal analysis of two works selected from the relevant periods.
Keywords: Abstract Expressionism, Arshile Gorky, the artist and his mother, agony