İdil Sanat ve Dil Dergisi
Cilt 12, Sayı 112  2023/12  (ISSN: 2146-9903, E-ISSN: 2147-3056)
Cengizhan ENGİN

NO Makale Adı

In addition to a brief mention of the history of the ney, this study will also briefly mention the sections of this instrument. Among these sections, the başpâre, which is the main subject of the article, is discussed. The raw materials used in the production of Başpâre from tradition to the present day are included in the article. Başpâre craftsmen have integrated the traditional production stages and preferred materials into the başpares they make with today's aesthetic perception. They have also taken into account the positive material and spiritual effects on the performers of the raw materials of various colours and hardness, which are now produced under the name of "kakma" and which form the outer shape of the başpâre (buffalo horn is mostly preferred for the inner part). In addition, detailed measurements and photographs of 9 historical başpâres are given, some of which were produced in the past and some of which were used by neyzens who were notable performers of their time. On the other hand, the standard form of başpâre that is produced by today's başpâre craftsmen is also included in the article. Thus, it aims to establish the relationship between the forms of traditional başpâre and the forms of modern başpâre.
Keywords: Ney, Baspare, Music, Tradition, Orgonology