Many monumental architectural structures such as palaces, churches and basilicas were built in Istanbul during the Byzantine Period. One of the most important of these works is the Great Palace. The Great Palace Mosaics, which are the works of the Byzantine period, are exhibited in the İstanbul Great Palace Mosaics Museum todays. A protective museum was established in Sultanahmet, the heart of Istanbul and these mosaics are exhibited in this museum todays. Todays, museum structures and the exhibition methods in them have changed a lot with the increase of technology and innovations in design. 3D exhibition, kiosks, touch screens, virtual realities and many other technological exhibition methods are seen todays. The purpose of this study is The Great Palace Mosaics Museum enables the mosaics to be better understood, to reach more people, take more place in the digital environment and to capture the contemporary period. The study was conducted in third stages. In the first stage, the definition of mosaics, its history and the preservation of mosaics were examined. In the second stage, the museums exhibiting in the works of the medieval period in the Mediterranean area were analyzed. In the final stage, the Great Palace Mosaics Museum was mentioned, examined and design suggestions were presented within the scope of protection and exhibition in line with the understanding of contemporary museology. Purpose of this study, the preservation and exhibition of mosaics in the light of Mediterranean Medieval examples are analyzed and design suggestions are presented within scope of the preservation exhibition of the Great Palace Mosaics of Istanbul.
Keywords: Mosaic, Istanbul Palace Mosaics Museum, exhibition