Cinema; It is a visual interpretation of an imaginary story that emerges from the combination of art, science and technology. The posters, on the other hand, are the shortest and most striking summary of this story in which imaginary and visual elements are intertwined. In the cinema, a completely imaginary story can be told, or it can be written in realistic scenarios that directly convey the experiences. In this study, in which social realistic movie posters are the subject, movie posters reflecting social problems are discussed as content. In the study titled “Examination of social realistic movie posters in terms of design principles in Turkish cinema, the answer is sought whether these posters comply with the basic principles of graphic design. In addition, the extent to which social realistic movie posters overlap with the content of the movie has been revealed and which design techniques are used in poster design has been examined. The analysis is limited to five social realistic Turkish movie posters from the 1960s to the present. In the formation of the theoretical framework of this study, the method of "literature scanning and descriptive research" was used. Selected works were obtained from online sources. It has been observed that the techniques used in many of the posters that are the subject of the research vary according to the conditions of the period. While it is seen that some posters adhere to the principles of graphic design to a large extent, it has been observed that the same sensitivity is not observed in some studies.
Keywords: Social Realistic Poster, Turkish Cinema, Movie Poster, Graphic Design