This research was conducted to determine the attitudes of music teacher candidates towards deciphering in instrument education and to examine the relationship between music teacher candidates' attitudes towards deciphering in instrument education and variables such as class, high school type, individual instrument, individual daily working hours on instrument. The relational survey model was used in this research in order to examine the attitudes of music teacher candidates towards deciphering in instrument education in terms of class, high school type, individual instrument and individual daily working hours on instrument. The study group of the research consists of 125 music teacher candidates studying at Necmettin Erbakan University Ahmet Keleşoğlu Education Faculty Music Education Department in the 2019 - 2020 academic year. The "Playing Deciphere Attitude Scale" developed by Ergin and Durak in 2015 and the personal data form created by the researcher were used as data collection means in the research. To analyse the data, the SPSS package program was used with descriptive analysis, and the One Way Anova test was used in cases where the distribution of data from percentage, frequency, standard deviation, arithmetic mean and educed statistics were normal, and the Mann Whitney U test and Kruskal Wallis H test were used in cases where the data distribution was not normal. While examining the attitudes of music teacher candidates towards deciphering in instrument education according to the individual instrument variable, it was concluded that there was no significant difference and there were also no significant difference between daily studying hours or type of school they graduated variables. It is shown that all music teacher candidates are good at deciphering.
Keywords: Music Education, Instrument Education, Sight-Reading