İdil Sanat ve Dil Dergisi
Cilt 11, Sayı 90  2022/2  (ISSN: 2146-9903, E-ISSN: 2147-3056)
Mehmet Ferruh HAŞILOĞLU

NO Makale Adı

The relationship between art and ideology almost begins with the socialization process of human beings and the consciousness of being a state. The state-society relationship also includes a system that is based on mutual interest and profit exchange from the very beginning. Systematically, the states want to make society acceptable by motivating it with political, ideological and cultural means. We can say that the state's strategies such as shaping the society and raising awareness in the direction it wants are a systematic understanding that almost every state has applied throughout history. Expressing the propaganda methods of the states on the society as “Ideological State Apparatuses” (ISA), Althusser states that the state uses a systematic strategy that directs the society, ideological suggestions, preferences, demands and values of individuals. (Althusser, 2002: 13-16). At this stage, among the ideological apparatuses of the states; The media comes after the family, religious structures, educational and cultural institutions. This study will focus on propagandist discourses, in which posters, which are graphic design products as a branch of the media, are uploaded. In this context, limiting the propaganda area of wide-spread posters to poster competitions designed for "Marshall Aids" has been the focus of our work. After the World War II, many campaigns were launched in the economic package applications called Marshall Aids, which were put into effect by the USA and set out with anti-communist goals. One of these campaigns is poster design competitions. This study is aimed at analyzing the strategic organization of the political language, which is an effective tool like the cultural codes used in poster design.
Keywords: Marshall Aid, perception management, poster