As of mid-March 2020, distance education has begun in Turkey. This situation has continued until the end of the 2019-2020 academic years. During this period, also instrument education was continued in distance at part-time conservatories affiliated to the Ministry of National Education. In this process, which is new for instrument education, teacher-student-parent communication has also become mandatory. Within the scope of this study, the year-end grades of the students of Istanbul Maltepe University Part -Time Conservatory Department of Piano for 2019 and 2020 were compared. In the instrument education that starts at a young age, the support and the attention of the parents as well as the teacher's effort is of significant importance to the students. A multiple-choice questionnaire has been sent to all parents who consisted of 75 students, and 50 parents among them have answered. As a result of the questionnaire, it has been seen that merely face-to-face education and the combination of face-to-face and distance education were equally marked. In the light of the findings, perspective of the parents towards distance piano education, which is new in Turkey, has been evaluated in the scope of mentioned sample and suggestions has been made for the next researches.