Since representation is a vehicle between represented one and representation itself, architectural ideas also need to be transferred to the representation environment. The representation of the experientiality of architecture as an idea is based on Bernard Tschumi's discourse that "the dark and unconscious behind the reality point to the existence of something else behind all masks." In this web of representations, where the truth will be revealed with the distances to be taken on the way to reach the other one (the crack of the window in Tschumi's structure), the representations, the represented ones or the other representations will decide where the roads will lead. In this journey, the representation of architecture, which is considered as an idea and can be achieved through experiences and different actions is discussed over a labyrinth experience story. Starting from a whole (architecture), a transformation process is discussed with the fragmentation and the separation of parts from meaning and place. In this process, representations of the determinant elements of architecture and space (bodies, objects, lights, shadows, senses, materials, sounds, desires, prejudices…) exist in the gap between knowledge and experience. The representations to be put forward will reveal the processes for reaching the desired point in the conceptual and perceptual contradiction and the potentials to be formed. Each potential space and architecture will allow a new window or a crack (gap) in the window.
Keywords: labyrinth, experience, dystopic story, stratification, superposition