Since the beginning of humanity, religious teachings have given opinions on many issues such as the values of that society and the hierarchy between genders. Although these dogmas have preserved their core as communities evolved, changes are observed parallel to shifting economic, social, political and cultural conditions. Throughout history, tradesmen and artists have taken the role to mirror the sociological structures of historical societies by visualizing scriptures used in sacred scripts and in semiotics the religious texts through paintings, carvings, sculptures and miniatures. By sustaining a personal and social myth and reflecting relationships between men and women and the origin and quality of moral traditions; the story of Genesis comes across as one of the stories that artists produce most. Although some of the religious control practices have been integrated into secular controller practices at the end of the secularization process in the west, religious patterns, motifs, images and practices have entered the general flow of culture and created a moral discourse that revolves around family and sexuality. We see that the status of “Woman” was positioned through the description of the story of Genesis through these discourses and was positioned with slave status through the influence of Aristotle, who had a huge impact on Western and Islamic thinkers until the Renaissance period. Due to the principle of Tawhid in Islam, figurative art was prohibited and painting emerged as “miniature art”. Since the creation of Eve is not as detailed as Jewish and Old Testament in the Qur'an, the depiction of women created from Adam in the Christian art, does not appear in Islamic art. However, we can compare the depictions of Eve and Adam with the uses of other modern religions through the miniature examples of "Expulsion from Paradise" that are most depicted. According to this, while the common patriarchal understanding appears, the differences can be observed. This study compares the descriptions of the story of Genesis in the paintings and sculptures of European artists before and after the Renaissance and the descriptions in the miniatures of the Islamic geography; It is aimed to examine the iconography of Adam and Eve figures in visual communication and to reveal the social and sociological position of women.
Keywords: genesis, iconography, religions history, islamic art, miniature