The works and translations of the famous British poet, playwright and actor William Shakespeare, who is considered as one of the most distinguished dramatists in the world, direct the different literary systems timelessly. Shakespeare's works, which inspired both literature and different art branches, also draw attention with different adaptations. One of these remarkable adaptations is Manga Shakespeare. Manga Shakespeare, which is translated into English and appears in Turkish, allows us to reach Shakespeare through different cultural filters. Thanks to the translation that creates these cultural filters, it may be possible to follow the changing and transforming goals by returning to the source. In this context, in this study, “The Tempest” as Manga Shakespeare will be examined and it will be tried to determine what transformation has occurred in the text by translation. The variety of translation practices also reveals the multi-layered aspect of translation, so it is not possible to state any limited conceptual definition for translation. Therefore, this multi-layeredness brings together different perspectives, different definitions and conceptual inquiries. Manga Shakespeare “The Tempest”, which is the subject of this study, will be analyzed by the concepts of "adaptation" and "transposition" of Jean Paul Vinay and Jean Darbelnet and the concepts of "intersemiotic translation" and “interlingual translation” of Roman Jakobson. The text will be examined through conceptual inquiries and translation comparison will be discussed in the context of Lawrence Venuti's concepts of “foreignization" and" domestication”.
Keywords: Manga, Shakespeare, adaptation