In the this study, universities in Turkey, studied postgraduate thesis about the Turkish classical music composers were investigated. Purpose of the research; universities in Turkey made about Turkish classical music composers postgraduate the number of theses, academic degrees, author gender, work area, year of publication, determine universities and institutes so that guidance to researchers who will work in this area. In order to reach the postgraduate theses about the research subject, the thesis archive link on the web page of the Council of Higher Education was used. As a result of the research, a total of 193 theses were obtained with 165 master's degree, 21 PhD and 7 art proficiency thesis. According to the data obtained from the study, most of the postgraduate theses were found to have a masters degree. As a result of the study, it is thought that postgraduate thesis studies about Classical Turkish music composers should be carried out more than the current number. Particularly, postgraduate thesis studies on piece analysis and performance analysis are important in terms of determining the effects of composers on the tunes.
Keywords: Turkish Classical music, composer, postgraduate music thesis