In this article, the place of Turkish female characters in society is explained in Hüseyin Nihal Atsız's novel Bozkurtlar. The article consists of three chapters; the life of Hüseyin Nihal Atsız, the place of the ancient Turkish woman in society and Turkish female characters in the novel Bozkurtlar. In the first part of the article, information about Atsız's life, literary aspect and political identity is given. In the second part, the place of women in ancient Turkish society is explained in detail. In the third part, Bozkurtlar novel written by Atsız is discussed and Turkish female heroes in the story are depicted considering their various features. These women reflect to the reader as an ordinary woman who can hunt better than her husband when necessary, a young girl who is protected by the laws and who can resist the orders by relying on these rights, a sovereign who has gained the respect and love of her own people or a woman who loves her homeland enough to leave her title. In the conclusion part, it is emphasized that the woman who is the companion of her man in the difficult steppe life in the ancient Turkish society is respected as a valuable being in contrast to other societies in the same period. This article was written to reveal the status of women in ancient Turks.
Keywords: Description, woman, Turkish, status, Atsız, Bozkurtlar