İdil Sanat ve Dil Dergisi
Cilt 7, Sayı 50  Ekim 2018  (ISSN: 2146-9903, E-ISSN: 2147-3056)
Ayşe Selcen YÜCELEN

NO Makale Adı

Georges Seurat is known as the most significant figure of Neo-Impressionism. His style in the pointillist
perception formed the framework of the movement. He developed his style under the influence
of impressionism and united art and science with each other. This method is named as divisionism
or chromoluminarism. According to his method, when the colors are divided into their smallest parts
under observation, it is called as (chromoluminarism) divisionism. Yet when the main issue is applying
paint, it becomes pointillism. His method is based on the idea that paints are not mixed on the
pallet but gathered on the canvas and perceived in retina. Seurat made use of the ideas of the impressionist
methods and investigated the scientific theories about colors. Thus, he created his paintings
by gathering colors next to each other on the canvas without mixing together, just like a mosaic. The
method of the artist is called as pointillism in the following periods. This method, developed by Surat,
is highly in correlation with the theories that he examined earlier about the colors and optics. On the
one hand his attachment to certain scientific ideas contributed him to develop a new technique; on
the other hand they also caused him to become distant to realism on painting. However there is an
optical reality that appears in an effort to capture the physical reality in its own authenticity in this
kind of painting. As a consequence of this effort, art of painting gained authenticity and found a path
to discover its own reality.