İdil Sanat ve Dil Dergisi
Cilt 2, Sayı 8  Yaz 2013  (ISSN: 2146-9903, E-ISSN: 2147-3056)
Дарья Погорелова

NO Makale Adı

The article covers such aspect of Vladimir Nabokov’s Russian prose as dual being. Dualism of being is outlined by the writer through attempts to get into the secret of consciousness, experiments with representation of two realities, observation of the hero on the border between two worlds. It leads to affirmation dominant concept of dual-world, defining the “pattern of being,” which is being found on the fringe of two eternities, in all Nabokov’s texts. The attempt of looking through a slit between those two eternities and discovering patterns of being is given to the chosen heroes of Nabokov whose creative consciousness is aimed at regularizing chaos and defining time connections.
Key words: Nabokov, dual being, dual-world, reality, hereafter.